When money is tight or unexpected expenses arise, you may be looking for a quick way to get cash. That may include a loan that doesn’t require a credit check.

The standard loan process could be challenging if you have little credit history. You could also face much higher fees and end up with a smaller loan than you may need. However, a personal loan, especially with no credit check, can help you cover a large bill or an emergency expense much more quickly.

So, what options are available if you need fast cash and want to avoid dealing with a credit check? Let’s look at ways to get a loan without a credit check.

Borrow from friends and family

If you have a good relationship with friends or family, you might turn to them when you need financial help. They may be willing to loan you money to cover bills or emergencies, which would not require a credit check. However, borrowing from friends or family can be tricky and may affect your relationship in the long run. You want to avoid straining your relationships, and for this reason, we have two great options.

Can selling my items help me cover the bills?

If you have items you no longer use or need around your home, you could always sell them to generate cash and avoid a loan altogether. However, selling items on your own can be highly time-consuming and confusing. It can be hard to determine accurate worth if you have a high-value item like a nice TV or heirloom jewelry. You might also be hesitant to sell items that have sentimental value. Your emotional value for an item may be higher than its actual monetary value.

Why pawning is the perfect solution for quick cash

Pawn shops offer loans to individuals using personal property as collateral. Most importantly, there are no credit checks.

So, how does the pawning process typically work?

  1. You bring your item to the pawn shop—jewelry, electronics, musical instruments, or collectibles.
  2. The pawnbroker will assess the value of your item based on different factors. In addition to your item’s resale potential, they will look at its condition and market demand.
  3. The pawnbroker will then offer you a loan based on your item’s value.
  4. If you accept the loan offer, you provide identification and sign a pawn ticket. This ticket serves as a receipt for your pawned item and includes important details about your loan amount, repayment period, interest rate, and fees. You also need this to redeem your item later, so it is crucial to keep this ticket safe.
  5. Once terms are agreed upon, the pawnbroker gives you cash for the loan amount. You will have some money in hand, with no pressure, credit check, or hassle.
  6. Don’t forget you have a set period to repay the loan in full and retrieve your item.

Pawn loans can be convenient for individuals who need quick cash but don’t want to sell their belongings outright. If something happens and you cannot pay your pawn loan in full, you can work with the shop to request an extension. If you default on repayment of your loan, your item is forfeited and becomes the property of the shop but your credit score and financial history remain unchanged.

At Gene’s, we understand that life is unpredictable

Life happens, and sometimes you need a helping hand. Whatever your situation, we are here to help! At Gene’s Jewelry & Pawn, we make it easy to buy, sell, or pawn items and get the cash you need in just minutes. And because we are local and a trusted community member, we’ll care for you like family. No need to fill out complicated loan application paperwork or wait days, weeks, or months to get the cash you need.

For more than 30 years, we have provided our customers with the high level of service they deserve. Visit one of our convenient locations in North Charleston, Moncks Corner, or Goose Creek, South Carolina, today to see how we can help you, use our online submission form to get a free estimate for your items or browse our inventory from the convenience of your couch!